import{P as a}from"./PageHeader-CLe_Ufu_.js";import{P as r}from"./PageContent-Bd2cxD1Z.js";import{d as i,o as l,a as s,e as o,w as n,F as u,b as e,A as t}from"./index-ryBM6GeQ.js";const c=e("div",{class:"prose dark:prose-invert mx-auto"},[e("h3",null,"Privacy policy")],-1),d=e("div",{class:"prose dark:prose-invert mx-auto"},[e("p",null,"We respect your privacy and the trust you have placed in us by using NextThere."),e("p",null," NextThere does not collect any identifiable information about you or your travel patterns. However, it does send information over the Internet to NextThere's servers for the purpose of retrieving transport information. This may include the locations you wish to travel between, and we are mindful that such information can be both sensitive and private. "),e("p",null,"We want to be totally transparent about how we treat your information."),e("p",null,"With that in mind, here is our simple, clear privacy policy:"),e("h4",null,"What we won't do"),e("ul",null,[e("li",null," We will never collect or transmit information about your identity unless you deliberately share it with us "),e("li",null,"We will never associate your location or use of the app with your identity"),e("li",null," We will never share any information collected about users with third parties, unless compelled to do so under New South Wales law "),e("li",null,"We will never attempt to identify an individual based on any information we do collect"),e("li",null," We will not retain user activity records for a period of time longer than we deem necessary to ensure the security and reliability of our infrastructure ")]),e("h4",null,"What we will do"),e("ul",null,[e("li",null,"We will only store records on servers physically located within Australia"),e("li",null," We will endeavour to encrypt all communications sent over the Internet that may contain sensitive information "),e("li",null," We may store records relating to requests sent to our servers, which may include stops you have added and your destination suburb, for the purposes of server monitoring and diagnostics "),e("li",null," We may collect aggregate non-identifiable statistics on the use of NextThere, including but not limited to the most commonly requested data, how often the app is used, the number of active users and the number of requests sent to our servers. At our discretion we may share aggregate statistical data with public transport operators. "),e("li",null,[t(" When using our iOS app, we may securely share anonymous location information with "),e("a",{href:""},"Mapbox"),t(" for the sole purpose of determining new roads and traffic conditions. You may opt out of this data collection at any time without penalty. ")])]),e("h4",null,"Questions"),e("p",null,[t(" If you have any questions about our privacy policy, feel free to "),e("a",{href:"/support"},"contact support"),t(". ")])],-1),v=i({__name:"PrivacyPage",setup(h){return(p,m)=>(l(),s(u,null,[o(a,null,{default:n(()=>[c]),_:1}),o(r,{class:"px-4 sm:px-6"},{default:n(()=>[d]),_:1})],64))}});export{v as default};